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Uncommon Sense
Just because something is compelling doesn’t mean it’s right (3:39)
Plugins are a sign of bad composability or lack of craftsmanship or both (4:44)
Libraries are overused and under understood (2:34)
Tools that haven’t had any updates in ages aren’t dead, but just finished (3:07)
Simple isn’t something you start a project with and reminisce about, it’s where you are trying to get to (3:09)
To go really really fast you need to consciously go really really slow (5:38)
It’s not about top down or bottom up, it’s about known to unknown (4:02)
When it’s hard to change something, that’s the codebase trying to talk to you, so put the pneumatic hammer away and listen (3:02)
Data structures aren’t the reserve of the CS geek, the right one will literally embody the answer to your problem (3:48)
Being a 10x developer isn’t about being 10x better or faster, it’s about doing 10x less… (2:34)
Tools that haven’t had any updates in ages aren’t dead, but just finished
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